Archive for the ‘ Films and TV ’ Category

There are no penguins on the North Pole.

Due to the face that we have to do film studies coursework entailing a storyboard for a film (we have to take pictures as if they’re in the film) I’ve been a bit obsessed with zombies today. I mean, I like zombies, Zombieland is one of my favourite films. I want a tattoo saying “Rule #32” because of it…take that whichever way you want to. Last night I attempted Zombie makeup with whatever I had lying around my room which was a bit of a fail and ended up like this:

Not sure why I did that actually…nor why I didn’t add any of the fake blood I have. It would look alright from a distance but I hate when people attempt zombie makeup and have the face ridiculously white so it just looks like face paint…which it is. You’re supposed to look ill! Inspired from my time watching some youtube videos on how to create zombie wounds etc I went to Craftworld today to see if there was anything that could possibly help considering I have to actually take pictures of people eating brains etc. I got my two types of fake blood there like a year ago so I was thinking I’d be able to find something but to no avail! I was actually hoping for some liquid latex seeing as that seems to be the best. There was only face paint which only works to a certain extent (kids’ Hallowe’en parties…although actually covering your face in scars and stuff for a Hallowe’en party probably isn’t the best idea either) so I’m going to have to find it somewhere else (difficult) or find an alternative (even more difficult).

In other zombie news I now have a zombie tshirt wishlist except not really because I don’t want them enough to actually buy them myself but as far as zombie tshirts go, they’re pretty snazzy.

Source: Amazon.

Rules of Zombieland. I saw ones ages ago with 32 rules or something on it which the makers of the tshirt has guessed. Good but with a possible sequel I wouldn’t buy it…cos it would be wrong.

Source: Cafepress

I’m only including this one because the font looks like it actually does in the film unlike all the other ones which are just orange or something. And this could be incentive to go to the gym. Except I don’t. And zombies would probably be the only reason I would. So maybe I should start. Or something. “When the virus struck, for obvious reasons, the first ones to go were the fatties.”

Source: Amazon

I swear I’m actually not obsessed with Zombieland. I just like these ones! I like this because it looks like you won Zombie Kill of the Week and got a tshirt for it :P And I was just thinking what a good tshirt this would be and then found it :)

Source: Amazon

This happens to be a Shaun of the Dead tshirt with all the weapons they used in the film. But considering I only have the zombie survival guide book on my computer, it would come in handy. Its easier to carry.

Source: Cafepress

I enjoy this. Not entirely sure why. I like the tagline. Could come in handy.

i think that’s enough, don’t you? there’s also an “Alice in Zombieland” book coming out similar to Pride and Prejudice and Zombies and all that jazz. Sounds good. My two favourite things combined :) Wish I’d writter it now. And I know its not like the film Zombieland. Its the zombie equivalent of Wonderland. Yupp.

So basically, I need to figure out how to do Zombie makeup and make it look good. For a first attempt that took about 10 minutes without any forward planning, using only what I had in my room I did alright really. Should have used fake blood though. And once I get glue I shall attempt to use papier maché.

Epic Mickey Actually Looks Epic.

Epic Mickey is a forthcoming Wii game about Mickey Mouse. They’re rebranding Mickey to show his dark side. Well, his mischievous side and seeing as we’ve never really seen Mickey being anything other than downright lovely, this is gonna be wierd. It’s a good one for massive Disney fans as we get to see Oswald the Lucky Rabbit who now lives in the Cartoon Wasteland for cartoon characters who are forgotten about and he is jealous of Mickey which makes me sad.

If you don’t know who Oswald the Lucky Rabbit is, I shall be lovely and tell you. Oswald was the original Mickey Mouse in a sense. Way back in 1923, Walt and Roy Disney put their money together to set up their first cartoon studio in Hollywood. They made some shorts called the Alice Comedies about Alice from Alice in Wonderland who apparently got into all sorts of danger and whatnot. They finished in 1927 and then Walt created Oswald the Lucky Rabbit to be distributed by Universal. They rejected the first episode but then Walt fixed him up and Universal launched the entire series. As the cartoon was so popular, Walt asked for an increased budget but the producer at Universal instead demanded that Walt got a 20% budget cut and reminded him that he now owned the character and that most of Disney’s employees were now signed to his contract. Some remained loyal to Walt and Roy though and whilst creating the second series they decided to make their own cartoon with a slightly changed version of Oswald – Mickey Mouse. Universal continued to make Oswald cartoons rather unsuccessfully as the Mickey cartoons were now the competition and eventually they contacted Walt who gave his blessing for them to continue making them because his were so popular and 78 years later in 2006 Disney acquired the rights for Oswald again so now they’re puting his in this game. Okay, history lesson over.

So now it appears that Oswald is jealous of Mickey’s success. I’m not surprised to be honest. I would be too. There is also mention of Yen Sid who is the sorcerer from The Sorcerer’s Apprentice segment in Fantasia. It looks rather complicated but he seems to have made the wasteland for his forgotten creations and then Mickey spills stuff on it and wrecks it, making all of the residents including Oswald to fight and lose in a battle and makes the world much darker (which is the fun part). The Mad Doctor and Phantom Blot are the villans as far as I know and they are also both from the older cartoons so it seems that no new characters are introduced.

The game seems to be pretty steampunky which looks good. The fact that it’s only going to be on Wii sucks even though I have a Wii. Apparently Mickey is to be given a more “retro” look though which I like the sound of because I preferred him when he more cartoony than when he got all 3D and I guess with Oswald being there they need to look alike.

I am usually not as open about rebranding for original characters but I think this is a good idea because its original characters that we hardly see anymore and with Oswald, it brings in some history. And with the whole steampunky element it changes everything. I’m actually surprised Disney even allowed this but I do think it is much-needed as Mickey only seems to be on straight-to-DVD episodes for kids now and he obviously deserves more seeing as he’s pretty much the King of Disneyland.

I’ve put the concept art when you clicky on the linky =]

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I Heart Pie Charts

They really make me lol.

My nanny once said “Is that Stephen?”

Then Glee messed it up which is a good thing to make a pie chart of. “Amount of songs I actually like the Glee cover of” 100% none.

So far today this is completely true but there’s nowhere else I need to go anyway.

True. Not that its really difficult to find porn. You just search “sex videos”…not that I would know. Nice that this person has made it the colour of the logo too.

I think I’m green although my mother did once drag me downstairs in the middle of the night to watch a Queen concert.

True. Although the whole ice caps melting thing really needs to be looked at.

These colous are horrible…does this go counter-clockwise?!

It’s On, Bitch

Someone undid my edit of Wikipedia! I watched the film Groundhog Day yesterday and decided to edit it’s wikipedia page to say that the song, Ticket Outta Loserville by Son of Dork mentions it. There’s already a whole section for when it’s mentioned in music so it’s hardly a big deal. I added the following sentence:

“In the 2005 song Ticket Outta Loserville by UK pop punk band Son of Dork, the film is mentioned in the opening lines, “When I go to sleep I pray/I’m waking up to ‘I Got You Babe’/Like the guy from Groundhog Day/Just wanna live forever this way…” ”

Honestly, is there anything wrong with it? There’s links and everything! But then today when I looked at it, my sentence was gone! Looking at the history of the page, someone with a very questionable name had removed it. I mean, sure it’s not really important but surely it’s part of the film’s legacy which is what the whole section is about? I don’t know. My friend Tascha, who I have noticed I mention often, said that there’s no point in undoing it unless I want to start a “big edit war/dispute”. Honestly, who can be bothered? Well, I am educating people and I think that freedom of speech (shut up, i know this isn’t right) allows me to do so. I’m not vandalising but adding to the article. And Son Of Dork are cool. Shut up.

So, I undid what the other person did so my sentence is back and it’s there to stay. Honestly, it’s on, bitch.

I’m Not Allowed To Tweet D=

Apparently I have reached the “status update limit” and I have to wait a few hours. Originally I thought it meant altogether seeing as it stopped on a really round number (8140) but I think it’s the hourly one seeing as I did tweet a lot due to Eurovision and more than one person I know being online at once and I know that there are people who have more tweets than me! In case you didn’t know, there is a daily and hourly allowance of status updates on Twitter. I think it’s so that Twitter doesn’t get over capacity all the time if every tweets loads and loads although Twitter still does get over capacity loads so sorry if it did for you tonight! That was probably me. This is the first time this has happened for me though. It’s bizarro.

Also, while we’re on the subject, we lost Eurovision big time. Honestly, LAST?! Why don’t they actually get people who we already know are good singers? They should have got Susan Boyle seeing as she was famous worldwide on YouTube from her Britain’s Got Talent thing. Or Rick Astley. Everyone loves him. To be honest, with people like Elton John and so on, the UK should have someone representing us who we want to represent us! They really should just pick someone from the charts cos it would do a lot better. And also, a year too late, I like Germany’s song from last year. Dita Von Teese was in it (still don’t get why) who I love and it really should have done better. Love Graham Norton’s commentary and he made it so much funnier than it would have been (although Sir Terry Wogan is a legend). Might comment on Germany’s song next year if you’re lucky.

EDIT:: I am allowed to tweet now =]

Blog Twenty-One

Meant to post this yesterday but then I didn’t for some reason.

Actually had the best day ever yesterday. Woke up at like quarter to eleven as my mother came into my room to ask me if I wanted to go to lunch with her and my aunt (who is the funnest person ever btw) and my grandmother and my mum said she would come back at eleven to see what my answer was (I really was debating staying in bed) but she actually didn’t come back till twenty past and had annoyed the hell out of me by hoovering. We were meant to be there at half past and I would have been ready if I had actually gotten up at twenty past but I didn’t and then somehow the cat ran upstairs and my mother said she had come up to get me to get up haha. So yeah, eventually I did get up and dressed and I think we were there at like quarter to or something. Went past Tascha on the way although she didn’t see me (sad face) and then eventually got to my nanny’s house. My brother met us there at twelve (he brought flowers for her, bless him) and then he left cos he had to go to work and we went to The Old Mill for lunch. I had soup which was mega nice and other people had other things I won’t tell you about cos its boring (much like this blog). Went downstairs, got a scarf, took some pictures and went to Zamba Shoes in Kings Square and me and my aunt looked at every pair. There are some really nice ones but they’re all too dear unfortunately. Went home, no sign of the cat so we just all sat and talked for ages, then my sister came home, and we just sat and talked for ages while our new conservatory door was being fitted. Eventually the cat came back (she had been away all day) and she sat on my knee and purred for ages. Then we had some dinner (couscous on everything for me) and my father, aunt and granny decided to have a conversation about Afghanistan and future wars we may have (now I’m scared of Korea) and then they went home and I think I went online or something and it was way later than I thought. I then watched the end of A Fish Called Wanda (which isn’t really that funny although its good) and Airplane! which also happens to be Tascha’s favourite movie (she hates it) and everyone has seen except me. Also didn’t find it that funny but it was alright.

Today, we went into school, had lunch etc. Nothing overly exciting happened. I am wearing my really attractive Ramones leggings though which is probably ill-advised as it is rather hot today but I’m actually really cold now. Went out to see the cat (called Maisy now although Maisy was a mouse as I keep pointing out) and the Molly (who is also a cat) from across the street appeared and Maisy started hissing and spitting at her so I had to make her stop haha. I also thought she was drooling but she just had some jelly from her food on her mouth.

Sorry, this was boring but I thought I’d put it here anyways. If you read it all, I win!

“Growing up is never easy. You hold on to things that were. You wonder what’s to come.”

Does anyone else think that its easier to choose everyone else’s future than your own? Honestly, if me and my friends got together, I think we could choose the fate of everyone in our year. I don’t know what people would say about me. I’m not particularly good at anything (not that I try) and I really am not warming to any job I think of (with the exception of being in Pepsi ads and owning Disney, and even they lose their appeal after a while). Theres loads of stuff I like the thought of but not for my entire life. I think I’ll end up living like a cartoon. You know the ones where what they do in one episode isn’t continued to the next? One week they’re working in the circus and the next, they’re a really successful movie star (see Betty Boop for details)? I think I decided this a while ago. I will be a mixture of a cartoon and a Barbie doll. Great. I think the fact is that when you watch a movie and you see them with a really cool job and then you kind of think “Huh. I could do that.” I know kids only really do this. They watch a movie and then pretend to be the person for about 3 weeks and then see another film and move on to that. That’s what I do except I shove it into the predicted timeline of my life (for such a thing exists, you know)  hope that everything plays out accordingly. So far it includes working at the Disney Parks (hopefully all 5 but I’d probably settle for one or the Cruise Line), being an Air Hostess (inspired from the Busted song, the Virgin Atlantic adverts, View from the Top, Catch Me If You Can and that Britney video cos I like her hat), being a stand up comedienne with Tascha as my manager (inside joke. many people inspired this but I don’t want to do this any more), being a journalist (dunno where this came from but after watching Scream and Get a Clue I don’t want to be as nosy as them) although I suppose I could just not write articles about people but about stuff that matters (although in the case of Scream the fact that people were getting murdered is pretty important and she was a TV journalist anyway), writing comedy (probably a sitcom or two and some films but I think I’d want to be in them which might wreck them), being in a band (both a proper one and a wizard rock band, also inspired by a bunch of people including Marty McFly who is ace on guitar), write some books under a pen name and then say that its me on my death-bed (although I have no intentions on dying), opening a 50’s diner (vegan obv), opening an old-fashioned sweet shop (vegan) and probably every time of every restaurant ever but in vegan format. I think I just want to revolutionise food…and cinema and TV. I’d also quite like a chat show. A proper one though. With games and items and stuff. I’d prank people and not just interview celebrities cos that looks boring. I would also like to own Disney but I don’t think I could handle it. The company is SO different to how it was when Walt was in control. Now there are so many different people in charge of different things. I mean, they do have  President and CEO and everything but they also have different people in charge of merchandise and parks and resorts and then there is Walt Disney Studios which is i charge of some of the films etc etc.

After all this, I’m not quite sure where this leaves me. Basically I really like movies but probably can’t act and even if I could I’d want to write them too. Kuh. Anyone fancy dictating my future for me? Maybe I’ll just become a yes (wo)man for a while and see where I go from there although with all the e-mails UCAS are currently sending me, this may result in a career in medicine which I don’t want. Can’t I just go to Neverland or live in Hogwarts forever or something?

Films That Take Place In One Day Are The Best.

I would like to express my undying love for The Breakfast Club. If you haven’t seen it go watch it cos you should have. It’s one of those movies that everyone has seen but as it came out in the 80s that’s probably not true anymore but I’m sure you’ve heard of it. In case you hadn’t gathered from the title (and haven’t seen it), it takes place in one day. In 9 hours actually and was written in two days. Basically 5 teenagers have detention on a saturday (which starts at 7am?!) and…that’s it really. Watched it the other day cos I hadn’t seen it in a while and it’s actually as good as I remembered it. Funny that it was made in the 80s but they all still had stereotypes which are pretty similar to the ones we have now. Except you wouldn’t call them what they call them. Although I don’t think there are groups of basket heads at schools these days although that would be both funny and worrying. Suppose we have emo now though. In case you didn’t know this is also pretty much the start of the brat pack. I’m scared to think that our version of the brat pack is everyone from the Disney channel + Twilight and wherever the hell Taylor Swift came from although they are in films with other people and not just each other which would be worse. The only real reason that the brat pack were always in films with each other is because John Hughes wrote most of them and must have liked shoving them all in films together (which worked rather well) although it is strange to see them with different people in each one such as in St. Elmo’s Fire, which includes three people from The Breakfast Club – the criminal, the basket case and the athlete and the girl who plays the basket case on this cheats on the criminal with the guy that the princess ended up with in Pretty in Pink (where she dressed like an OLD LADY). I only used their stereotypes n this movie to explain what happened but I think I might have made it more complicated…whoops.

Another film from the 80s that I love and takes place in one day is Ferris Bueller’s Day Off. It’s where Save Ferris got their name from. It was also written by John Hughes and was filmed at the same school that The Breakfast Club was filmed at and came out a year after. I think of it every time I’m off school because I always wanted a day off like Ferris’. It also has Jennifer Grey in it who looks exactly the same as she did in Dirty Dancing which can’t have come out much longer after but I’m too lazy to check and like doing this off the top of my head. I think the main reason I like this film is because it shows you how to get off school (something I’m good at) and basically some major ninja-ing techniques (something I’m also majorly good at). Basically a guy called Ferris Bueller feigns sickness and gets a day off school. His friend Cameron is also off sick but he is actually sick. He makes Cameron go over (he really doesn’t want to cos he’s ill) and they phone the school to get Ferris’ girlfriend out. The principal knows/thinks that Ferris has phoned to get her out and yells down the phone at him until Ferris phones the other line (Cameron had phoned) and the principal has to apologise thinking that it was actually her dad. This is possibly my favourite scene in it apart from the end when Ferris’ sister (who is annoyed that he got the day off because she knows he isn’t sick) is driving home from the police station after getting arrested (long story) and she races him home but then is nice and pretty much covers for him. It’s also one of, if not, the first movie to have a credit cookie (which is when something happens after the credits) because films hadn’t been puting credits at the end for that long. It’s good that like 10 years earlier if you waited till after the credits you got a film but now if you wait till after the credits you’ve missed the film. Huh.

I really have nothing more to say about these films except that John Hughes wrote good films (he wrote Home Alone a few years later which Ferris Bueller’s Day Off actually reminds me of and he wrote Flubber which I haven’t seen in years) and that we should write more films which take place in short amounts of time so…I’ll be over in the week =D.

“Isn’t it strange that we talk least about the things we think about most?”

I don’t think I’ll ever be on trend. If those 3D glasses do get popular I will feel deceived. I liked them first. Also, in Back to the Future 1 there’s a guy who always wears those cheapo 3D glasses. In the 50’s too. Were 3D films around then? I have old school Ray Ban glasses which make me look like John Lennon and made Tascha say “Don’t you look so cool?” which I think means that I didn’t. They’re my dads and we all know he’s really stylish. Actually my dad’s a cowboy…I’ll explain this one later. I’d actually like some Aviators but I think they’d make me always want to watch Top Gun. Maybe I’ll just get a parasol. “Cool in the 1800s and Jane Austen novels, cool again in your life but not really.”

And now I think about it, this quote doesn’t have much to do with this post apart from the fact that he was an aviator…sorry. Oh, and he flew from New York and I’m wearing my Hard Rock New York t-shirt…? I don’t know. It’s the first thing I thought of.

Cars I Always Wanted

Whenever I was younger I always wanted loads of cars. My dad had a Volkswagen Beetle and my brother and I had VW hats (sad I know) and we would go to car shows and go around looking at all the beetles. My dad eventually sold that car and broke my heart…not really. I was about 6 and I probably had no clue. Then he got a VW Hatchback. I still don’t really know what this is. I just know he told us he had bought a purple car and then upset me when he brough a blue one home (he’s colour blind). Still had to go to loads of car shows.

The mixture of this and the fact that I am obsessed with films and cartoons just makes me want loads of cars which are replicas of ones in films/cartoons which I kinda always wanted. I want a beetle but not the icky new ones. I want one like Herbie. We saw one at those car shows. Actually we saw a few. It seems that more than one person has had this idea. Also after Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets came out I seemed to notice a lot of Ford Anglias. Doubt that this was anything to do with the film, but more to do with the fact that it meant that I now recognised them as Ford Anglias and my dad kept saying “There’s Harry Potter’s car!” and annoying me because it was Mr Weasley’s and I already knew that and probably spotted it a mile away. At one of the car shows they had actually put a Ford Anglia in a tree. It was amazing. I hope I can find the picture of it. I never knew where it went. My dad said he would put it in a frame but I don’t think he ever did. The Herbie one at those car shows would have been perfect if they hadn’t put paint splodges all over it. I don’t know why they did. It’s like those flower stickers you see that people have on their cars. Whoever owned Herbie had put very fake looking paint splodge stickers on him! If you’re going to get a replica you shouldn’t do that…ever.

I think I really want Herbie because I secretly think he’ll be like the actual Herbie and be able to think and move of his own accord haha. I also hope that people haven’t seen Herbie: Fully Loaded and not the originals. That’s like seeing the Scooby Doo movies and never seeing the cartoon…which brings me to my next point.

The Mystery Machine =]. Honestly, who wouldn’t want this?

Don’t have a lot to say about it. I’ve never seen one in real life. It mixes the fact that I want a car from a film/TV show but I also want a camper van. I think camper vans are cute. They also remind me of road trips in old movies.  Two things which I love. Also part of the reason why I’d like a camper van. To go on a road trip which we should do. Me and Tina said that we were going to get a pick-up truck and drive the whole way across America. The pick-up truck was her idea but kind of sucks cos it means we can’t take everyone or they’d have to go in a different car which would be pointless because the whole point in a road trip is to spend time with each other…on the road. I’d like to point out that the films I am thinking of where they go on road trips are not the ones where they get killed in the end although there are a lot of those too. I do think that if you had one though and you weren’t going on a road trip or were by yourself in it, you would feel lonely. Especially in the mystery machine. It would just remind me of the Scooby Doo movie when Fred, Daphne and Velma all quit and a year later it just shows Scooby and Shaggy in the van. It’s not right. Shaggy seemed to bring the most to Mystery Inc. to be honest. It seems he brought the van and the dog and in most episodes he finds the monsters. He is seriously underestimated in that gang.

Three wheeled vans=]. I only wanted one because they had one in Only Fools and Horses, It’s not even that pretty, only sits two people properly and as many in the boot as you can squish. This red ones quite nice though. So close to Postman Pat’s (it is the Royal Mail) but I can’t tell which one way first…or what the point is in only having three wheels. They’re kinda cute but kinda ugly and I kinda want one just cos its retro. If Only Fools and Horses is anything to go by (probably not) they’re not very reliable. There van always broke down but maybe that’s because they had no money to fix it properly or something.

DeLoreans. After seeing back to the future I think everyone wants one. Complete with Flux Capacitor. It isn’t worth getting one without it to be honest. The Doc was right when he said that making a time machine out of a DeLorean was in style. DeLoreans are amazing. I mean, they’re old but they’re a classic car and the doors go UP! How futuristic! Imagine if they made a DeLorean now?! I hope they don’t though. Minis and beetles have already been wrecked. I think I’d spend my life in that car drinking Pepsi and listening to Michael Jackson if I had one. Honestly, if I could live in a movie it would be that one. 80’s + Pepsi + Marty McFly = Epic epic win. Also, if I were Jennifer I wouldn’t get surgery/morph into someone else between the first and second films. And if my dad ever bought me a DeLorean, he had better buy me replicas of Marty’s Nike shoes and hat from BTTF2 to wear while I’m in it! Oh, and a hoverboard!

Whenever I was younger I imagine that I probably wanted Penelope Pitstop’s car from wacky racers. Looking at it now, I think it’s the ugliest car I’ve ever seen. Dick Dastardly’s is alright in comparison but I don’t think I want them anymore! Does the huge anthropomorphic dog come with it? Oh good, I’ll just tie him up in the…oh, there’s no boot? *Throws wierd dog thing overboard*

And last but not least, the Batmobile. Not much to say on it really. There are so many different versions but I like this one. I’d prefer a big dramatic wierd looking thing that a really fast sports car. I think my brother got it in a Happy Meal once so maybe that’s why.